The program, the Higher Education Institutions Student and Academic Staff Exchange Program abbreviated as “Farabi Exchange Program,” is a program for student and academic staff exchange between universities and institutes of higher technology at the associate, undergraduate, graduate, and doctoral levels. It allows for student and academic staff exchange between higher education institutions that provide education at these levels. It enables one semester (only Fall semester) or one year (Fall+Spring semesters) of student mobility among universities in Turkey.


What is the objective of the program?

The main objectives of the Farabi Exchange Program are to facilitate interaction between higher education institutions and to enable student and academic staff mobility. To achieve this goal, the Higher Education Council supports both the coordination structure within higher education institutions and the participating academic staff, while also providing students with unconditional scholarship opportunities.

It is expected that participation in the Farabi Exchange Program will positively contribute to the education, academic work, social development processes, and career plans of participating academic staff and students by placing them in a different academic environment.


Who can benefit from the program?

Associate and undergraduate students must have completed their first year and have a minimum overall GPA of 2.00/4.00; Master’s and doctoral students must have completed their first semester (applications cannot be made during the Preparation and Scientific Preparation periods) and have a minimum overall GPA of 2.50/4.00. In other words, the exchange starts in the second year.


Can anyone become a Farabi student at every university?

You can only become a Farabi student at one of the universities with which your university has an agreement. The universities with which agreements are made can be found on the website of your own Farabi Institution Coordinator.



Program ile ilgili daha fazla bilgi ve belgeye ulaşmak için sayfasını ziyaret edebilirsiniz.


Farabi Exchange Program Coordinator

Prof. Dr. Tuğba YILDIZ

Dokuz Eylül University, Faculty of Science, Department of Statistics

0 (232) 301 86 02
